Supporting compliance & data teams

We understand that our charity partners often need to satisfy compliance and data concerns when considering a new platform. We've worked hard to ensure that Donr is safe, secure, and compliant - this page should provide all the information you need to feel confident using our platform.


Donr is trusted by some of the UK’s leading charities, like FareShare, Samaritans and Children in Need.


Our platform has processed over 1.1million individual donations totalling over £23million since 2018.


Our platform has been vulnerability and load tested to ensure the data we hold is safe and secure.


Our platform is compliant with GDPR and PECR requirements, ensuring the safe processing of all data.

Frequently asked questions

Which data is collected by Donr?

The data collected by Donr depends on the Fundraising Solution used. At a minimum we collect a supporters phone number or email address in order to process their donation, and consent can be collected for marketing opt-in for both. We also process Gift Aid data where a declaration is made, and make this available to you.

What if our charity has specific data protection requirements?

Whilst our platform and systems are GDPR compliant, we understand that sometimes your charity may have specific requirements around data protection and suppliers. Please get in touch if this is something that you would like to discuss.

What if our charity has specific contractual requirements?

We require all charities to agree to our Terms and Conditions upon signing up to our platform. However, we will sometimes enter into bespoke contractual agreements for specific partnerships. Please get in touch if this is something that you would like to discuss.

How do you keep data secure?

Donr keeps you and your supporters' data safe through a variety of means:

  • We work with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to ensure top of the class physical security of data. 

  • Data stored on our network is held in an encrypted format, with all transmissions in and out of the Donr network executed over SSL (TLS v1.2+). 

  • Rolling backups of all databases are performed, (in an encrypted format) to ensure the redundancy and reliability of our network.

  • We also work with independent, CREST accredited security professionals to ensure the safety and security of our network.

  • Donr holds a Cyber Essentials certification and continually revisits and revises its internal security standards as part of this process.

Useful resources

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