Where do I find information on my organisation's pay-outs from Donr?

You can find information on how much we’ll pay out to your organisation, when we’ll pay it and which donations make up your pay-out on the Invoices screen:

Donr Dashboard > Menu to left side of screen > Payouts

Pending Invoices show pay-outs which we are yet to send to your organisation’s bank account but you can see the amount we’ll send in the ‘Total Payable’ column and the date on which we’ll send it in the ‘Due Date’ column.

Paid Invoices show pay-outs which have been sent to your organisation’s bank account. Use the drop-down menu to select the date for the pay-out you wish to learn more about. At the bottom of the ‘Total Payable’ column you’ll see the amount which has been paid into your account. The amounts payable from each of the invoices listed make up that total. For instance, you may have two invoices, both for a pay-out of £9.40. Together, these make up a pay-out of £18.80, which should be the amount you see at the bottom of the ‘Total Payable’ column and the amount you see we have paid into your organisation’s bank account.

Use the ‘three dots’ button next to each invoice to either download a PDF copy of it (which shows the full breakdown of fees incurred on its donations) or to select ‘Donations’ and be taken to a pre-filtered Donations page which shows the donations which make up the amount shown on the invoice.